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GDPR forms tutorial

GDPR is a new data privacy law that affects organizations that process personal data of EU and UK citizens. We updated our Terms of Use and Privacy policy to comply with GDPR, and also updated DojoExpert app by adding new features that can help you to comply with this new regulation. In this post you will learn:

  • what you need to do to comply with GDPR
  • what we changed in DojoExpert
  • how to handle Consents

How to comply with GDPR?

If you process, store or handle data of EU or UK citizens then you need to comply with GDPR. If your school is in US, Australia or other country outside EU then this regulation is not obligatory for you, but it’s recommended that you apply GDPR procedures as they will raise data safety in your organization. So here’s what you need to do in your martial art school:

  • have Privacy policy (and/or Terms of use) of your School that explains how you use, store and process personal data of your members,
  • collect Consent from your members where you ask your members to accept your Privacy policy and give you consent to handle their personal data as you described.

You not only need to have Consent to process your members data, but also on how you can contact them (phone, email) and if you can send them marketing materials. Your members need to have the right to:

  • know which personal data are you storing and where,
  • withdraw Consent at any time,
  • get a copy of data you have stored about them (in electronic format),
  • request that you delete all their personal data.

If you use DojoExpert to store your members personal data then your members need to know that. You need to inform them that their data is stored and used according to DojoExpert Terms of Use and Privacy policy (provide links to our policies).

GDPR features in DojoExpert

DojoExpert can help you to comply with GDPR. Here’s what we changed in app:

  • In member profiles there is a checkbox next to email, phone and mobile phone fields that indicates if the person gave you consent to contact them this way.
  • On “send email” and “send SMS” pages there is a new option “show only with Consent” that filters members that gave you consent to send them email/sms (checkboxes on). This way you can send messages only to members that gave you Consent.
  • Registration forms and leads forms have additional field “Required checkbox text” that displays checkbox that needs to be clicked if user wants to register for your event (or lead). Here you can put text something like “I accept that my data is used for…”. You can also provide a link to your privacy policy by using HTML (e.g. I accept this <a href="http://www.example.com/privacy">Privacy policy</a>).
  • Export to excel feature is added in members profile page to download personal data of a member (so that you can send them if they ask you so).
  • Under “members” menu we added “GDPR” link to Consent form creation page.

Consent forms

As explained, you need to collect Consents from your members. You can do this manually by printing Consent forms and give them to your students to sign. But you can also do this electronically, via email and online forms that they need to fill and confirm Consent. If you choose to do it manually with paper and pencil, then you can just use the checkboxes in member profiles to indicate which Consents the member gave you. To keep track of who gave you Consent and who did not, you can create a custom field for that.

Instead of doing it manually you can use DojoExpert GDPR consent forms – a new feature we added to help you to collect Consents. We also prepared two templates for Consent forms that you can modify and use. Here’s how: go to “members” in main menu, select “GDPR” and create a new form. You can have more forms, for example one for kids/parents and one for adults. You can write your own text in Consent form our use our templates and modify them, for example:

GDPR consent form

In Consent forms you can use codes {name} which will be replaced by your member name and {namefield} which will be replaced by textual input field (for entering parent name who’s filling Consent forms for minors). By clicking “preview” button you can see how the form will look like:

GDPR consent form example

As you can see, Consent forms created trough DojoExpert will also contain required “how can we contact you” fields and text that explains that you are using DojoExpert according to our Terms of use and Privacy policy. DojoExpert Consent forms are using double opt-in (as recommended by GDPR) which means after filling this form user will need to click on confirmation link sent by email to finish this process.

You need to use DojoExpert email feature to send Consent forms to your members. Go to “Messages” – “Email” – “Send email” from main menu. Write an email where you will instruct your members to click the Consent form link (tip: save that as template). Consent form link will be created at run-time (on send), because the link is different (unique) for each member. Use code {gdprX} for creating the link. In this code replace the X with ID of the Consent form that you can find on page where you created the form (in grid which lists your forms). If your form ID is 1 then the code should be {gdpr1}. This is why the Consent form link can be sent only trough DojoExpert email – the link is generated and is different for each member.

When a member fills the form, submit it, and click the confirmation link in email, you will see that in his profile:

GDPR member consent

Checkboxes for contact consent (phone, text and email) will be updated according to what the user selected in Consent form. Below the notes field we display Consent data (when and who has filled it). You can print the consent form, or delete it (so that member can re-submit the form). Print looks like this:

GDPR member consent print


DojoExpert is offering this feature without any warranties. We advise you to consult your legal representative on how to comply with GDPR, how to construct your GDPR Consent form. Content of this page, features that we presented here and advice that we gave you here are not legal advice. DojoExpert can not be held responsible for any consequences that arise by using information from this page or our app.